Pilates is a fantastic and engaging exercise suitable for both beginners and seasoned practitioners, provided you have a clear fitness goal. While it may seem straightforward, mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. After all, everyone makes mistakes!

But don’t worry. First Pilates has compiled a list of common Pilates errors and offers advice on how to correct them.

Breathing effectively is crucial in Pilates. Proper breathing supports movement, so a free-flowing breath is essential. If you’re overly engaging your abs and holding in your stomach, your breathing will be restricted.

To get a feel for Pilates breathing, try placing your hands on each side of your ribcage. As you inhale, imagine your rib cage expanding outward. As you exhale, visualise it coming back together. Alternatively, think of having a heavy weight on your torso, so your chest expands outward rather than upward. Mastering Pilates breathing can take time, so focus on breathing as you learn the exercises, and lateral breathing will improve with practice.

What should you bring to Pilates classes? For a Reformer class, you might need sticky socks with rubber grips. Check with your studio’s policies; you may have to buy them there if you don’t bring your own.

What you wear is also important. Choose comfortable clothing that is not too baggy, as your teacher needs to see your alignment. Just as you wouldn’t be able to focus in an uncomfortable business outfit, you’ll find it easier to concentrate and allow your teacher to assess your form if you wear appropriate Pilates attire. Opt for fitted yoga or Pilates pants and avoid zippers or pockets that could snag on equipment.

It’s common to favour exercises you enjoy, but you often need to work on the ones you dislike. For instance, if you spend a lot of time at a computer and have rounded shoulders, exercises like curl-ups might not be beneficial. Instead, focus on exercises like back extensions and arm openings that counteract your daily posture. Address the areas that need improvement rather than sticking to your favourite moves.

Speeding through exercises can cause you to miss out on the mindful benefits of Pilates. Slowing down your movements often makes the exercises more challenging. For example, in the Pilates roll-up, moving slowly helps you engage the correct muscles and reduces reliance on momentum.

As you progress through a class, it’s easy to lose sight of fundamental Pilates principles, like maintaining proper alignment. Losing your "neutral pelvis" during dynamic exercises is a common mistake. Without it, you won’t fully benefit from Pilates for your posture or movement efficiency. Continuously check your alignment throughout the class and practise basic exercises like the pelvic tilt outside of class to reinforce proper alignment.

Familiar with these mistakes? Don’t worry—it’s normal to make errors as you learn. What’s important is learning from your experiences, guidance from instructors, and resources you consult to help you achieve your goals and optimise your practice through Pilates.
